Wednesday, May 27, 2015


A lot of people here are missing the main way you get into SAG/AFTRA.
While you need to be in the union to PERFORM in a union project, you do not need to be in the union to AUDITION for the project. The catch is if you get cast in the part, then you have to join the union. Also, depending on your state laws, you can usually do one SAG contract without being forced to join, but on your next job you would have no choice.
Casting directors don't care if you are in the union or not. Their only concern is finding the best actor for the job. In theory, an actor could audition for a role, get cast and be required to join SAG in order to be in the project, and then refuse to join (though I don't know why). If they did, the role would be recast and that actor would never be called in for an audition by that office (or most offices) again. It is the stage actors union that is the real Catch-22 to get into. Many times you can't attend the union auditions for theater unless you are already in the union.

TL;DR Most actors join SAG/AFTRA simply by being cast in the role, regardless of union status, because CDs don't care about that.
Source: I was a union actor and now work for where I deal with CDs everyday. END:

I sincerely hope you enjoyed these comments, and do what you feel is best for you. You probably already know that everyone you talk to has a different opinion about becoming a successful actor/actress.

William Reynolds/William Reynolds Agency Atlanta, GA.  [THE NEXT HOLLYWOOD}

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